About Our Strengths Test
Discover the best part about yourself
Our StrengthsTest has helped people to discover what they are naturally good at.
Taking the strengths test is the first step towards understanding what motivates, energizes, and gives you purpose. It’s not a secret that the real positive difference comes from the actual application of these test results in practice. Go beyond the test, take advantage of a Strengths Coaching Session, and make the next step in unlocking your full potential.
Research shows that, when we use our strengths, we’re happier, more engaged and more likely to achieve our goals. This doesn’t just benefit you, but also people, groups, teams, and organizations you work with. When each person knows their strengths and makes use of them, group and team relationships are stronger and people achieve better results.
People who have a chance to use their strengths are on average 74% more engaged at work
Awareness of one’s strengths
enables individuals to be
31% more productive
The mere fact of knowing each other’s strengths makes the team 12% more effective

Know Your Best Self
Discover what is unique about you, what motivates & drives you

Be Happier
Find purpose in what you do and be more satisfied with your life

Achieve Your Goals
Leverage your talents to realize your dreams faster

Increase Confidence
Embrace & leverage what makes your stand out from the rest

Build Stronger Relationships
Understand others and enhance your interactions with them

Progress Your Career
Make better decisions about your career and your future

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Albert Einstein
Your in Good Company
Professionals from 90% of Fortune 500 companies have already used our StrengthsTest to discover their strengths. Because only when you know what you are really good at you can do a better job, be a stronger team player, build more meaningful relationships or live a more fulfilling life.

Our goal is twofold. First, to help people become more self-aware by making transformational tools available to the public. Second, to foster structural employment, particularly among young people, by promoting diversity of strengths and talents in society.
We believe that everyone in the world would be better off if each one of us focused on our strengths. You will feel the difference, just like your family, company, and community.
Strengths Based Coaching
Reach New Heights with a Skilled Thinking Partner
Our Leadership Coaches will shine a spotlight on your unique thoughts and talents so you can improve your performance and achieve your goals, no matter what your role is.
In this hour-long phone session, you’ll speak with a Coach who can help you face challenges and pursue opportunities — both personal and professional.
With individualized guidance from your coach, you’ll understand yourself better, see the world around you more clearly and grow your career with more intention.
Your Unique Ability Unpacked
Your best is yet to come.
Your coach will guide you to make personal discoveries on the issues that frustrate or challenge you.
And they will help you reach the goals that excite or intrigue you.
With an individualized coaching session, you get to choose the topic you want to talk about.
What’s Included
- Your Strengths Assessment.
- A PreTest 30 minutes Discovery Session.
- Post Test Coaching Session for Individuals. This is a confidential 60-minute coaching conversation conducted via Zoom to unpack the test results and develop a 3 to 6 months Strengths Growth Plan.
You will be able to schedule your coaching conversation at a time that is convenient for you.
——–More Information ——
Discover Your Strengths Now

Live up
to your full
Studies show that focusing on using one’s strengths instead of fixing weaknesses has a significant positive effect on physical, mental and social well-being. In other words, strengths help you live longer, feel happier and build better relationships.
Wouldn’t that be great to wake up every morning to do what you feel excited to do in the surrounding of people that get it?
The key to this version of your life is not a secret. All it takes is your willingness to discover and apply your strengths on a regular basis. HIGH5 career personality test helps you do just that.
Take the step towards understanding how your strengths guide your actions, decisions and thoughts. Whether it’s for finding a new job or a life-partner – these insights on your personal strengths will empower you to transform your life for good.
Your Team

from a boss
to the leader
Studies show that focusing on strengths leads to higher performance, engagement, and retention. Can you afford to leave these benefits of engaged teams on the table?
The key to high performing teams is not a secret: place people in positions where they can do what they do best every single day.
To do that, leaders must be able to understand how to communicate with, motivate, and appreciate the different types of people that compose the team they lead.
Our StrengthsTest empowers both managers and team members to make better decisions, collaborate more effectively, avoid conflict and achieve better results.
Your Organization

Get the best
out of your
biggest asset
Research shows that organizations that have implemented the strengths-based approach have higher performance, profitability and employee retention.
It’s not difficult to guess why. The leadership personality test helps better understand unique traits of the team members.
Your people don’t need a yet-another perk at work. All they seek is appreciation and development.
Those organizational leaders or HR professionals who get it – they invest in strengths.
The strengths-based culture is transformational, focusing on continuous growth and collaboration.
It is when employees are appreciated for what they are good at and developed to be at their best every day.
StrengthsTest equips you with tools that are essential to empowering your managers, developing your employees and improving your organization’s performance.

Help others
reach their
Every day thousands of people discover their strengths.
You, more than anyone else, know that identifying one’s talents is just the first step. The real positive impact on one’s lifestyle is reached by fully developing and applying their strengths over time.
Studies show that focusing on what people do well instead of fixating on their weaknesses has a significant positive effect on their physical, mental and social well-being. When these happier and healthier individuals come to work, their companies enjoy the higher engagement, productivity, and retention.
Would you like to help others be at their best by doing what you do best – coaching?
StrengthsTest is a holistic coaching tool that will enable you to bring the best in others by giving them the language, confidence, and action plan to achieve their life and career goals.